Maria Orlando social media strategist

Hey there! I am Maria Orlando, but often my friends call me Maria Sole, because of my charismatic personality and energetic approach to life. I am Italian, made in Sicily precisely. My life flows between the sea and my wonderful volcano Etna, which Sicilians call “a’ muntagna”. I travel everywhere, especially in Europe, because of my job and I also enjoy discovering new places. I am the Founder and CEO of Maria Sole Orlando and a Senior Digital Marketing and Luxury Brand Strategist. I have always been supporting companies, business owners, and entrepreneurs to build, step-by-step, a strong presence in the digital world and a profitable business. I love to define myself as a Beauty Researcher because I think that beauty is in the simple things around us. Just open your eyes and your soul and be perceptive.

How Travellector was born

At the very beginning of my career, I worked as PR and Event Manager (more events, more trips), then as Project Leader in the corporate training market, where I learnt a lot about personality and communication, attending NLP and Structogram courses. So many people asked me for travel tips when I came back home from my work trip and I was always so glad to help them with the right tips for their personality type. I thought that the time was ripe. This is how the idea of a blog where travel tips and personality combine together came. I started my blog. Every time people emailed me for telling me “thank you” I was the happiest girl ever, because my advice contributed to giving them the best travel experience ever. I paused the project for a while. These years have been crazy. I took even 8 flights in 12 days for work and I confess that the only thing I wanted to do was relax away from the world. I promise I will write more and more.

My personality

I am a luxury day tripper. I love living slow luxury experiences and local cultures. And this is how I always plan my journeys. I’ve been traveling across Europe for years. I often go back to the places I’ve already visited because it is not true that those places always give you the same emotions. What changes is the perception of that place according to a specific phase of your life. And this is something that drives you to discover hidden corners.

I have visited many European countries (but you know that it is impossible to see everything in a country). I love small towns, those characteristics not yet industrialized, that’s why you will read about many European unknown destinations.


• Kind and collaborative people, creating honest ties and showing themselves for what they really are. Those who are funny, auto ironic and self-mocking, living life to the fullest and making good use of their time.

• Everyone who is curious to discover the world. I’ve been always curious about life. When I was a child (I wanted to become an archaeologist) I always rummaged in the drawers of my house. My mother was very happy about it lol

• Meeting new friends, because people are stories.

• My books. I could never do without them. I always read books, especially the ones about women’s stories who live in remote countries, struggling to assert their freedom.

• Tea and infusions. I’ve tried all kinds of them and I came to the conclusion that I could drink 50 liters a day and I know that there would still be room in my stomach for a few liters more. I love the green tea and the tea Pu-Erh, infusions with flowers and fruits.

• Cooking and baking, especially Mediterranean dishes and desserts. Chocolate is my best friend. I only need a kitchen and some tools and I will start cooking immediately.

• Music. Do you know that I play piano since I was 8? Well, when I was 4 I started to play a piano toy, is it the same?. I studied at the Academy of Music, then I stopped, but this is another story. I still play piano for delight and I’m still a little girl, I’m only 18 (lol I’m kidding).

• Fashion. I am passionate about it. I also worked in the fashion industry, but I always follow my own style.


• Destructive, negative, lying people, those who cultivate feelings of hatred instead of feelings of love. I don’t like parasitic and copycat people.

• Mosquitoes. I don’t have a good relationship with them. Then I fear/dislike cockroaches and mouses (although my first pet was a hamster and I loved him!). Do not expect me to stay close to you if you should see one of them! Forgive me!

I don’t want to annoy you with the story of my life. Follow my travel blog! It is time to Dream, Live, and Travel!










10 replies
  1. Freya says:

    Hello Maria,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts, words, passions and experiences.
    You have really inspired me. I felt very connected to you when reading about the kind of human you are … perhaps a kindred spirit of sorts 🙂

    My beautiful home land is the small but wondrous and majestic island of Tasmania in Australia’s deep south 🙂

    We are the gateway to Antarctica so it gets a wee bit cold here 😉

    I too love BOOKS! I love music ~ are we human or are we dancers? It is a genuine question I ask myself these days. >_<

    I love clothes and people and nature and life. Dreaming and exploring, hearing stories and playing music. Thank you for inspiring me 🙂

    Take care. Love and peace xo

    • Maria Orlando says:

      Hello Freya!

      Thank you for your kind words 🙂 You are from one of the most charming places in the world and I do hope to visit it someday.

      So, are you in Antarctica now?? Amazing! I don’t have a good relationship with cold weather lol

      I think that we are both human and dancers who love dancing in life 🙂

      Love and peace to you too xxx

  2. CoffsHarbourLifestyle says:

    Hi Maria, I love your profile and I can say that I like many of the same things in life. Maybe one day you can visit Australia and my beautiful town of #CoffsHarbour. Cheers Dixie

    • Maria Orlando says:

      Thank you Dixie! I tried to be as concise as possible lol Australia is one of the most beautiful places in the world I’d like to visit. It would be great to meet you 🙂 You are always welcome to my beautiful Sicily! Keep in touch! 🙂

  3. Peter Miceli says:

    Hi My Friend:

    Your bio is so interesting…what intrigued me the most is your love of playing the piano. I love music but have never played an instrument and at 54 have decided to buy an inexpensive keyboard to self-teach myself…if you have any suggestions on how I can better learn, I would love to hear your advice.

    Warm regards,

    • Maria Orlando says:

      You always make me smile Peter! I hope it is not a keyboard toy just like that one I had when I was a child. I think that you can reach your goal with passion and study. You are a smart man 😉 If you have any doubts I will give you my support!

      • Peter Miceli says:

        Hello my friend…
        I don’t know how I missed this reply but here I am one year later and no keyboard playing.
        I appreciate any suggestions that will enable me to get it out of the box and onto the stand and for me to begin playing ASAP.

        Cheers my dear friend and wonderful traveling to you!

        • Maria Orlando says:

          Awww thanks Peter! You are one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met. I’m happy my suggestions have been helpful to you and I’m waiting for you to start a new travel adventure. Of course, I’ll be your travel designer 😉


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