Top Songs for Sunset

I thought I’d share with you my favourite top songs for sunset. Yes, I love sunsets, the ones where the gaze is lost on the horizon, the ones who catch your heart forever, the ones you cannot forget easily. Every place in the world has its own sunset and it is not always the same. Every second articulates a different shade of color. There are magical places where you can almost grab that big, red, fiery ball with your hands, such as Santorini sunset. Then, every sunset is nestled in a different landscape and it adds more beauty to what we are looking at. During my trips around the world I always search for a great spot to enjoy the most stunning sunset. One of my favourite Tagore’s quotes says: “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” I want to share it with you.

Tagore sunset quote
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Just as every sunset lights in different colors so our ears sometimes ask us to listen only to the music of silence, other times they want to be accompanied by the most beautiful songs, which intensifie what we are feeling in that precise moment. Here are my top songs for sunset. You’ll find songs such as “Holocene” by Bon Iver, which is one of the best American indie folk band, or “True Colors” by Cyndi Lauper and the cover by Ane Brun.

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What are your favourite top songs for sunset? Leave a comment and join my FB page to say “Hi”! 🙂

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